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Gjennom Urban Vibes tilbyr Ellen de Vibe tjenester som kommentator, foredragsholder, strategisk veileder, og konsulent knyttet til byplanlegging, byutviklingsprosesser og byens arkitektur.

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Ellen Marit Schjelderup de Vibe (født 28. januar 1952) er en norsk arkitekt og byplanlegger, siden 1998 byplansjef i Oslo.

De Vibe er utdannet fra University of Wales, der hun tok en Bachelor Sciene i arkitektur i 1973, Bachelor Architecture i 1975 og Master of Science, Town Planning, i 1977. Hun har arbeidet som bygnings- og reguleringssjef i Alta, byplansjef i Skien, avdelingsdirektør i Miljøvern-departementet og leder av Statens Byggeskikkutvalg. I november 1998 ble hun utnevnt til sjef for Oslo plan- og bygningsetat.

Fra sommeren 2019 jobber hun som konsulent gjennom Urban Vibes.

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Lecture NAL-breakfastmeeting/webinar om Rikspolitiske retningslinjer for strandsonen, «Økende nedbygging og hva som skjer?», forslag til nye retningslinjer fra KMD, proposed new central government guidelines for the sea shore: «Strandsonen: byplanleggerens vurdering», on the views of the town planner, October 2020

Participatory commentary on the film «The Shelter», UN Habitat Norway Urban October in cooperation with OsloMet, October 2020

Introduction to film on experimental city, «Minnesota Experimental City», MXC, USA, Oslo Arkitektur Filmfestival, October, 2020

Lecture «Yes, we can balance different interesets in urban development» at webinar on «Changing Mindset: Perspectives on Place and Architeture», Habitat Norway & Urban Thinkers Campus, August 2020

Lecture “Housing Development, Sustainability & Social Welfare in Oslo” at the Urban Sustainability Research Group, The Norwegian University of Environment & Biology (NMBU), May 2020

Lecture at The Arthur Whøni-seminar «Perspektiver på byplanleggingen: fra samordning til klimamål» on movement from coordination towards climate adaption, March 2020

2 lectures on regional planning and urban development in Oslo «Oslo’s urban development towards 2030 - Driving forces, challenges and strategies», NMBU, March 2020

Lecture for the local authority of Lørenskog about quality in urban development «Hva er, og hvordan sikre boligkvalitet?”, March 2020

Lecture and debate about housing provision in Oslos at The NMBU Housing Symposium, March 2020

Lecture Oslo Architects Association/ Oslo Senior Architects Association “Signalbyggenes død? Arkitektenes roller og muligheter i offentlig forvaltning” about the role of architectects in public service and land mark architecture, February 2020

Lecture about the historically irreplaceable government building with Picasso murals, «Y-blokkens rolle i byen og regjeringskvartalet” at debate meeting, the daily newspaper Klassekampen, February 2020

Lecture «Kultur som byutvikling” on culture as part of urban development at Oslos Kultur- og utdanningsutvalgets opplæringsseminar, introducyory course for the Cultural and Educational Board of the City og Oslo, January 2020

Lecture «Byen og byutvikling i Oslo i 20 år»on the urban development og Oslo through two decades at The School of Architecture and Design Oslo, November 2019

Presentation «Oslo’s Planning Tools for Housing Provision”, Greater London Authority as part of the OBOS board studytour to London, November 2019

«Fra plan til virkelighet», lecture on different implementation models for urban development projects, The City of Bergen, November 2019

Lecture at Västtrafik public transport conferance, Gøteborg, Sweden, on the experience of the Car-free Livability Programme, Oslo, November 2019

Lecture at The National Conferance for The Historic Monuments Officer on urban development, climate and conservation: «Hvordan utvikle byene for å svare på klimautfordringene?” on how to handle the climate change challenge in urban development, October 2019

Lectures «The Oslo Fjord City» & «Oslo European Green Capital 2019” at NORTANA Norway seminar, North-Dakota, USA, commissioned by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway, Otober 2019

«20 år i byens tjeneste», lecture for the Athenæum Rotary Association on the role as Chief Town Planner of Oslo for 20 years, September 2019

«20 år i byens tjeneste», lecture at The OBOS Housing Conferane 2019 on the role as Chief Town Planner of Oslo for 20 years, August 2019

Lecture «Til ungdommen: fly me to the moon og slik fremtiden kan bli» about visions and future urban development, Høyskolen på Vestlandet, August 2019

Moderator at debate for the different political parties in Oslo on «Partienes byutviklingspolitikk 2020-23» for the local election 2019, Grape Architects, August 2019

Lecture «The Fjord City: What Did We achieve & What is There to Learn?» at The Urban Future Global Conferance kick-off seminar, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2019


Strategic long and short term advicory consultanices for selected private developers and architects firms (approximately 10 companies), 2019

Andre oppdrag

Prepare webinar for vitalizing the Renaissance area of Kvadraturen, Oslo Metropolitan Area (OMA), Nov/Dec. 2020

Interviewed by author of book on public participation in Norwegian NIMBY-projects, November 2020

Participating commentary at webinar «Finansiering av knutepunktutvikling» on financing mechanisms for traffic node development projects, Østlandssamarbeidet, November 2020

Coaching of Norwegian and European master-/PhD-students on urban planning (app 10 students) 2019/2020

Interview Västtrafik, Sweden «Lykcad väg mot bilfri innerstad» about lessons learnt from The Car-free Livability Programme in Oslo, Jan 2020

Site visit Ensjø, OMA Masterklasse, November 2020

Member of jury for paralelle commission on urban development study at EC Dahl quaters in Trondheim, 2019/20

Participating commentary at miniseminar on microdwellings, NSW Architects, November 2020

Participation in selected urban development teams for procurement offers in Norway and Sweden, 2020

Interview on the planning process for the Munch museum Lambda, The Munch Museum, The City of Oslo, November 2020

Lecture and site visit The Fjord City, MAD arkitekter, October 2020

Podcast interview on the Oslo urban development, Construction City/OBOS, October 2020

Participating commentatory «Arkitektur på sparket», Drammen museum, October 2020

Advice The Norwegian Architects Association on statement to central government on authorization system for architectural services in the Norwegian Planning and Building Law, spring/autumn 2020

Contribute to the London board study tour programme for OBOS, September/October 2019

Prepare external evaluation planning educations NTNU, autumn 2020

Media og publikasjoner

Coeditor and author of 3 articles in the UN Habitat Norway debate book «Verden av byer – handling for FNs bærekraftsmål» ISBN nummeret: 978-82-303-4882-6 on how to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals, autumn 2020

Interview in the magasine for The Glass & Fasade Association, «Kvalitet og trivsel i levende byrom» on quality and livability in public spaces, December 2020

Interview for The Urban Future Global Conferance on the experience and learning points from The Car-free Livability Programme, November 2020

Article on affordable dwellings «Er rimelige boliger mulig?», the weekly Morgenbladet, February 2020

«Går media maktens ærrend?» on the medias role in the debate about demolishing the Y-block, Lars Elton & Ellen de Vibe, Morgenbladet, March 2020

Interview Natt og Dag (Yngve Sikko), together with street art artist about the role of street art, autumn 2019

Portrait interview «Så lenge bygget står er det fortsatt håp», Dages næringsliv, June 2020 on the position as Chief Town Planner, The Y-block etc.

Intervju Plan on the Y-blokka, 2020

Article in Morgenbladet «Ulykksalig bruk av makt» on the unfortunate use of power in the demolition process of the governmental building, the Y-block, Deember 2019

Interview Dagens perspektiv om byutvikling, autumn 2019

Portrait interview «The Boss for The New City», Morgenbladet July 2019

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